Why is the Statue of Liberty Blue-Green?
Ideas for Everyday Examples in Engineering (E³s) are limitless!
From figure skating, apples, soda cans, and even Lady Liberty herself, you don't need to look far to find ideas for E³s that can be used to teach technical concepts in a way that is engaging and familiar to your students.
Dr. Chun Wu created a popular Chemistry lesson plan with over 45,000 downloads from the Engage website that asks and answers this question, “Why is the Statue of Liberty blue-green?” to explain the concept of oxidation reaction. Click the image below to view this lesson plan.
- Improves student engagement;
- Increases retention of engineering students;
- And improves student evaluations of instructors!
Everyday Example Lesson Plans
Explore a broad range of everyday example lesson plans including faculty-submitted lesson plans by visiting theENGAGE website.
Tools for increasing student retention through:
Everyday Examples in Engineering
Faculty-Student Interaction
Spatial Visualization Skills